Thomas Wright, A synopsis of Thomas Wright, A synopsis of the universe, or, the visible world epitomiz'd, Plate II, cyanotype, 1742,  22x27" Thomas Wright, A synopsis of Thomas Wright, A synopsis of the universe, or, the visible world epitomiz'd, Plate II, cyanotype, 1742, 22x27" $40.15 Thomas Wright, A synopsis of the Universe, or, the visible world epitomiz'd,  Plate 1, cyanotype, 1742, heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx. Thomas Wright, A synopsis of the Universe, or, the visible world epitomiz'd, Plate 1, cyanotype, 1742, heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx. $40.15 Ferguson, Collection of nine images including astronomical instruments, celestial charts, and a world map, 1769, canvas, 22x27" Ferguson, Collection of nine images including astronomical instruments, celestial charts, and a world map, 1769, canvas, 22x27" $40.15 Ferguson, A Collection of nine images including astronomical instruments, celestial charts, and a world map, cyanotype, 1769, canvas, 22x27" Ferguson, A Collection of nine images including astronomical instruments, celestial charts, and a world map, cyanotype, 1769, canvas, 22x27" $40.15 la geographie carte des diverses positions de la sphere, des systhemes de Univers, des planettes, des eclypses, cyanotype, 1798, 22x27 la geographie carte des diverses positions de la sphere, des systhemes de Univers, des planettes, des eclypses, cyanotype, 1798, 22x27 $40.15 Allard, Planisphaerii coelestis hemisphaerium meridionale  calculatum ad finem, pro aevo XVIII praesente, Cyanotype, 1700, canvas 22x27" Allard, Planisphaerii coelestis hemisphaerium meridionale calculatum ad finem, pro aevo XVIII praesente, Cyanotype, 1700, canvas 22x27" $40.15 Thomas Wright, A synopsis of the universe, or, the visible world epitomiz'd, Plate 2, 1742 ,map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx. Thomas Wright, A synopsis of the universe, or, the visible world epitomiz'd, Plate 2, 1742 ,map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx. $40.15 Thomas Wright, A synopsis of the Universe, or, the visible world epitomiz'd, Plate 1, 1742 ,map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx. Thomas Wright, A synopsis of the Universe, or, the visible world epitomiz'd, Plate 1, 1742 ,map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx. $40.15 Systema solare et planetarium ex hypothesi Copernicana secundum elegantissimas illustrissimi quondam Hugenij deductiones novissime ,1742 Systema solare et planetarium ex hypothesi Copernicana secundum elegantissimas illustrissimi quondam Hugenij deductiones novissime ,1742 $40.15 Henri Chatelaine, Tom I. No. 1. Premiere Carte Pour L'Introduction A L'Histoire Du Monde, 1718, canvas 22x27" approx. Henri Chatelaine, Tom I. No. 1. Premiere Carte Pour L'Introduction A L'Histoire Du Monde, 1718, canvas 22x27" approx. $40.15 Clouet, La Sphere,1787 , Map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx. Clouet, La Sphere,1787 , Map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx. $40.15 Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica XI, 1660 Ver.III BW,  celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica XI, 1660 Ver.III BW, celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx $40.15 Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica XII, 1660,  celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx. Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica XII, 1660, celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx. $40.15 Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica XI, 1660 Ver. III-INV,  celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx. Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica XI, 1660 Ver. III-INV, celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx. $40.15 Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica VIII, 1660,  celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx. Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica VIII, 1660, celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx. $40.15 Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica XI, 1660 ,  celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx. Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica XI, 1660 , celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx. $40.15 Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica XI, 1660 Cyanotype,  celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx. Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica XI, 1660 Cyanotype, celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx. $40.15 Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica VII, 1660,  celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx. Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica VII, 1660, celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx. $40.15 Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica VI, 1660 Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica VI, 1660 $40.15 Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica V, 1660,  celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx. Cellarius, Harmoni Macrocosmica V, 1660, celestial map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm or 20x25" approx. $40.15

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