Jefferys, A correct plan of the environs of Quebec, and of the battle fought on the 13th September, 1759, Map on canvas 20x25"
A Plan of the River St. Laurence, from Sillery to Montmerenci Falls with the operations of the Siege of Quebec, 1759-1780,canvas, 22x27"
Covens et Mortier, L'Amérique septentrionale, 1759, map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx.
J.J. Audobon, Eutchins's barnacle goose. Anser Hutchinsii, Rich'd, c.1 v.3 plate 277, 1835, print on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
J.J. Audobon, Dusky duck. Anas obscura, Gm. 1. Male. 2. Female. c.1 v.4 plate 302, 1835, print on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
J.J. Audobon, Barn owl. Strix flammea.Plate 171, 1835, vintage nature print on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
J.J. Audubon, Gannet. Sula bassana, Lacep. Adult male, 1. Young first winter, 2. Gannet rock, Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1835, 20 x 25" approx.
E J.J. Audubon, Gadwall duck. Anas strepera, L. Male, 1. Female, 2. c.1 v.4 plate 348, 1835
J.J. Audubon, Fulmar petrel. Procellaria glacialis, L. Male adult summer plumage, 1835, print on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
J.J. Audubon, Esquimaux curlew. Numenius borealis, Lath. Male, 1. Female, 2, 1835, nature print on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
J.J. Audubon, Eared grebe. Podiceps auritus. 1. Adult. 2. Young first winter, Ver. II , print on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
J.J. Audubon, Mallard duck. Anas Boschas, L. 1. Males. 2. Females.1, 1835, vintage nature print on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
J.J. Audubon, Dusky duck. Anas obscura, Gm. 1. Male. 2. Female, 1835, vintage nature print on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
J.J. Audubon, Common American swan. Cygnus americanus, Sharplefs. Nymphea flava, 1835 , print on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
J.J. Audobon, Hyperborean phalarope. Phalaropus hyperboreus, Lath. 1. Male adult spring plumage. 2. Female. 3. Young, 1835 20 x 25" approx.
J.J. Audobon, Hawk owl. Strix funerea. Male, 1 Female, 2, 1835, vintage nature print on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
EJ.J. Audobon, Hudsonian godwit. Limosa hudsonica, Male. 1. Young female. 2. Summer plumage,1836, on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
J.J. Audobon, Horned grebe. Podiceps cornutus, Lath. Adult male, 1. Female winter plumage, 2, 1835,on canvas 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
J.J. Audobon, Harlequin duck. Fuligula histronica, Bonap. 1. Old male. 2. Female. 3. Young male, 1835 , 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
Plate 33, Toronto West, High Park to Brockton, Roncesvalles, 1884, map on heavy cotton canvas, 20 x 30" approx.