Plan of the town & fortifications of Montreal, or Ville Marie in Canada, 1760, map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx.
Jefferys, Montreal or Ville Marie, 1758
Bellin (Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772), L'Isle de Montreal, et ses environs, 1764 Ver. C, map on heavy cotton canvas, 20x27" approx.
Maw, City of Quebec with Historical Notes, 1932, map on heavy cotton canvas, 20x27" approx.
Quebec: Bird's eye view of Sherbrooke, P.Q., 1881 , map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx.
Smith, Siege of Quebec Plan of the St. Lawrence from the Montmorenci to Sillery, 1849 , map on heavy cotton canvas, 20 x 25" approx.
Plan de la ville de Québec, 1750 , map on heavy cotton canvas, 20 x 25" approx.
Plan of the city and environs of Quebec with its siege and blockade by the Americans, from 1775 to 1776 Ver. I, 22x27" canvas
Pitt, Vue de la ville du Québec, capitale du Canada, 1760, map on heavy cotton canvas, 20x27" approx.
Plan of the city and environs of Quebec, with its siege and blockade by the Americans from 1775-1776,, map on cotton canvas, 20x27" approx.
Qubbec, ville de l'Amerique septentrionale dans la Nouvelle France, 1755, map on heavy cotton canvas, 20x27" approx.
Plan of the River St. Laurence, from Sillery Montmorenci Falls etc...., 1760, map on heavy cotton canvas, 20x27" approx.
A Plan of Quebec the port and environs of Quebec, as it was when attack'd by the English, 1759, map on heavy cotton canvas, 20x27" approx.
Plan of the river St. Laurence, the falls of Montmorency to Sillery., with the siege of Quebec, 1763, map on cotton canvas, 20x27" approx
Wyld, Map of the District Of Montreal, Lower Canada, 1831 , map on heavy cotton canvas, 20x27" approx.
Sketch Map of Montreal and the proposed connection of the Grand Trunk Railway, 1860 , map on heavy cotton canvas, 20x27" approx.
Magnus, City of Montreal, 1863, map on heavy cotton canvas, 20x27" approx.
Le Centre de Montréal, The Heart of Montreal, 1960, map on heavy cotton canvas, 20x27" approx.
Rasmusio, Hochelaga,1606
Du Cours du Fleuve de St. Laurent, 1764, Bellin auth., map on heavy cotton canvas, 50x70cm (20 x 25") approx.