Quebec: Carte de vacanes, Quebec et la Gaspesie Holiday guide, 1959, map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx.
Bellin, Carte de L'Isle d'Orleans, 1745 , map on heavy cotton canvas, 20x27" approx.
Lower Canada, 1815, Faden auth., map on heavy cotton canvas, 50x70cm (20 x 25") approx.
Province Of Lower Canada, 1838 , map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
Québec, North Sheet, 1914
Québec, South Sheet, 1914 , map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
Quebec, A Modern Map
Lower Canada. 1857, map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
Québec, 1962, map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
Master et Elias, An Animated Map of Quebec, 1929, map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
New Map Of The Province of Quebec, 1776, Jefferys auth., map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
Map of Quebec, 1884, Hardesty & Co. auth. , map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
Quebec & New Brunswick, 1874, Colton auth., map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
Bouchette et Faden, Map of Lower Canada, 1815 , map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
Wyld, A Sketch Map of the Country Around Montreal, 1837, , map on heavy cotton canvas, 20x27" approx
Quebec: Jefferys, An Exact Chart of the River St. Laurence, 1775, map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx.
Quebec: Wyld, Map Of The Province Of Lower Canada, 1838 , map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx.
Quebec: Tourist map of Gaspé Peninsula and vicinity, 1929 , map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx.
Quebec: Map of the counties of Gaspe and Bonaventure exhibiting the lands adjudicated unsurveyed, Clergy Reserves, 1857 , canvas, 22x27"
Quebec: Bouchette et Faden, Plan of the District of Gaspe, 1815 , map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx.