Nouvelle carte des parties, oul'on a cherche le passage de nord-ouest dans les anneees 1746 et 1747, Ellis auth 20x50" approx.
Arctic Sea. Baffin Bay, sheet 1 to 1853, with corrections to 1881, map on durable cotton canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 20 x 25" approx.
Outline to shew the Connected Discoveries of Captains Ross, Parry & Franklin, in the years 1818, 19, 20 and 21.20x35, 20 x 25" approx.
The communication of the lakes and the rivers between Lake Superior and Slave Lake in North America,1790, Pond auth.20x25" approx
Plate 58, Toronto West, High Park, 1913, map on heavy cotton canvas, 20 x 30" approx.
Aeronautical Chart, Ontario, Lake Huron Section, 1942, map on heavy cotton canvas, 20 x 27" approx.
Canada, by Air France, Travel Poster on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx.
Aeronautical Chart, Ontario, South Eastern Section, 1942 , map on heavy cotton canvas, 20 x 27" approx.
Aeronautical Chart, Ontario, Lake of the Woods Section, 1942, map on heavy cotton canvas, 20 x 27" approx.
Aeronautical Chart, Ontario, Lake Superior Section, 1942 , map on heavy cotton canvas, 20 x 27" approx.
Nolli et Pozzi, Nuova Topografia Di Roma, 1748map on heavy cotton canvas, 25x27" approx.
Township of Sophiasburg in Prince Edward County, Tremaine auth., 1863, map on heavy cotton canvas, 45 x 65 cm, 18 x 24" approx.
Canada's Picturesque East Coast, Travel Canadian Pacific , travel poster on heavy cotton canvas, 20x25" approx.
Quebec: Carte de vacanes, Quebec et la Gaspesie Holiday guide, 1959, map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx.
Historic Algonquin Park Map, 1914, map on heavy cotton canvas, 20x27" approx
Plate 47, Toronto East York, Todmorden, 1923, Map on heavy cotton canvas, 18x27in. approx.
Plate 41, Toronto West, Junction Triangle, 1903, map on heavy cotton canvas, 20 x 30", 50 x 76cm, approx.
Avro Arrow Canada, Aviation Poster, on heavy cotton canvas, 20 x 27" approx.
Are you Breaking the Law? Patriotic Canadians will not Hoard Food, Canada WW I Poster, 1914, on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27in
Romani Imperii Imago, 1607, (The Roman Empire), map on heavy cotton canvas, 22x27" approx.